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Holguin Province Directorate of Finance and Prices has a the mission of carryying out, controlling and regulating the application of the decisions taken on the country’s policy of finance and prices by the Cuban State and Govirnment, by advising the respective Assemblies of the People’s Power and their Councils of Administration, in the fulfiment of this policy and to run and control the organization of local finance and the use of funds with the goal of increasing economic eficiency.


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Address: Calle Mártires # 73 between Frexes and Aguilera, Holguín city.

Communication: email @
Phone: 465012 – 465025 – 465008 – 421725 – 55089122

In 198 3 the Provincial Center of Music and Shows was founded, to later become a Provincial Marketing Company of Music and Shows in 2013 – baptized Faustino Oramas Osorio. The goal was moving forward in the enrichment and protection of Holguin’s musical heritage, the creation, promotion and commercialization of the artistic product to give the people cultural values of our identity.

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