"The battle is for discipline in queues and the enforcement of social isolation in each place. We must comply with the established rules with organization, produce more and be more effective in the distribution of food," said Julio César Estupiñán Rodríguez, vice president of the Provincial Defense Council, during this afternoon's press conference at the Holguín Provincial Government headquarters.

 He also called for an increase in the perception of risk, since this disease has unfortunately already claimed the lives of three Holguin citizens.

He called for no concealment of information on symptoms or contacts if they are suspected. This will help to stop the transmission of the virus and, above all, to safeguard human lives. And this is any suspicious picture, because the rainy season is approaching and with it the increase of arboviral infections.

The also provincial governor referred to the importance of citizen portals in each municipality to provide detailed information. In this way, the Provincial Portal informs at that level, and the municipal ones if possible, reach the neighborhood. This way, each person will know closely how the situation is going in their locality.

He also expressed the need to comply with the actions taken by the entities and organizations, since this increases the credibility of these sites.

One example is the functionality of Cimex's platform for on line hopping, which in the case of Holguin province, according to the statements of Yuliesky Teruel, commercial manager of the corporation, will make the store El Encanto (telephone 24468230), designed to provide this service. In order not to affect sales capacities, those located at Modas Praga shop will be increased.

In the case of tuenvio.cu, address through which you can request the purchase of products at home once selected within the platform the region of Holguin, you can for an amount not less than 1 CUC purchase items of basic need.

The payment is made through the Transfer mobile application and your purchase can be acquired personally in the mentioned store within 72 hours, or at home between 5 and 7 days. This last modality includes in the cost the value of 1.91 CUP per kilometers traveled to the point of delivery. And it can be requested from anywhere in the province.

Publications like these in the portals are of interest to the population, but if they work poorly, if they do not meet expectations then become complaints and concerns of people.

As usual, health specialists participated in the conference for timely information, as well as the top leaders of the provincial mass organizations and Cimex, who explained the various actions to support the confrontation with Covid-19 in the province.

Regarding the current situation in Holguín, 58 positive cases have been reported in the last 48 hours, of which 53 have been admitted, 2 have left and 3 have died. A total of 1,748 tests have been carried out to date and, as explained, of the 181 received yesterday, none was positive.

There are still 9 travelers in isolation centers and more than 436 thousand people were investigated yesterday, with 800 cases detected with respiratory symptoms.

The members of the Provincial Defense Council in Holguín essessed the situation of the COVID-19 in the province this last April 11, adding five cases then (two from Holguín: one from the "Pedro Del Toro" area and one from the Salida de San Andrés neighborhood, which belongs to the health area of the "Máximo Gómez" polyclinic;  and two from the municipality of Báguanos, and one who died in Cacocum.