In the debates, attended by experts from different entities linked to the sector, and representatives of Foreign Trade of most of the municipalities of Holguin province, the current situation of exportable items was discussed.
The factors that affected the attraction of new goods and services were discussed in detail, one of them being transportation and the technical conditions required for quality certification.
In view of the above factors, emphasis was placed on the control of all those regulations that open the way to export, but also close it when the increasingly demanding standards of the international market are not complied with.
In this regard, Viuvichén Vila Torres, the expert representing the municipality of Calixto García, pointed out that in spite of the lack of a working system on quality control, the export of charcoal was achieved there through the company La Jíquima.
He also highlighted the need to not only prepare phytosanitary specialists in each municipality, but also to encourage them to contribute to quality control, an action that will lead to an increase in exportable items and their sustained presence in the market.
It was noted that the municipality of Calixto García managed to capture other lines linked to agriculture, such as avocado -which is in the process of certification-, and where again Amado Pérez Ricardo stands out, who increased his eggplant cultivation area to 0.8 hectares in order to comply with the amounts required for export.
Santiesteban Velázquez made other assessments, for example, on the production and marketing of products such as charcoal, whose payment does not correspond to the interest of producers, so he requested an analysis of the current situation because the country needs exportable items like that.
He emphasized that this sector has potential in Holguín, but it has not been able to consolidate itself, and for this he suggested the creation of a group of specialists to deepen on this problem and look for solutions, and also to generalize the best experiences, not only those achieved in Calixto García.
The Governor added that if you want to grow, you have to invest, and this captured currency can take that path, as a guarantee of a sustainable market, not an intermittent one, which in the long run causes customer dissatisfaction and a negative image of the national market.
The specialist Ariel de los Reyes addressed the need not only to update the export map, but also to make it much more attractive to the customer.
In this evaluation, the work with MSMEs, self-employed workers, non-agricultural cooperatives, and all those productive forces that can contribute to the diversification of exports was discussed.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of carrying out municipal balance sheets that can serve to strengthen the local economy by analyzing weaknesses and strengths.
In the evaluation, those with the best performance were recognized, among them, CubaNíquel company, and the municipalities of Calixto García, Banes, Sagua de Tánamo, Frank País and Moa.
Last 2021 exports were affected by the Covid-19 and the tight US blockade - which is a second Covid, commented the First Secretary of the Party in the province, that is why, added the also member of the Central Committee of the Party, it is good to recognize the best results, but that these serve to look inside ourselves and seek solutions among all of us.
Santiesteban Velázquez also appreciated the quality of the report and its transparency, which led to very good debates, although it is not all that is expected for Cuba and Holguín, it speaks clearly where the subjective part is and what depends on the human factor.