Behavior of COVID-19 in the Cuban province of Holguín

Reports of Covid-19 cases in the municipalities of Holguin province.

Gibara: 30 cases, 32.61%.
Rafael Freire: one case, 1.09%.
Banes: 20 cases, 21.74%.
Baguano: five cases, 5.43%.
Holguín: 30 cases, 32.61%.
Calixto García: one case, 1.09%.
Cacocum: one case, 1.09%.
Cueto: one case, 1.09%.
Mayarí: two cases, 2.1%
Moa: one case, 1.09%.

Deceased persons due to Covid-19 by municipalities: one apiece in Gibara, Banes, Holguín and Cacocum: 25.0%.

To fight COVID-19, Holguin admitted patients at the hospitals Dr. Fermin Valdes Dominguez, Lucia Iñiguez Landin, and Octavio de la Concepcion Pedraja (for children); and also at El Cocal clinic.

The patients tested positive coming from Las Tunas province were hospitalized in the city of Holguin.

But Holguin also admitted suspect people to Covid-19 in hospitals, and isolation centers opened in health facilities, schools, Youth Pioneer Palaces, and tourist facilities in several municipalities.