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Provincial Direction of Sports Holguín.

Libertadores Avenue  Calixto García Iñiguez¨ Stadium

Director: Nelson Adrián Morales Pérez


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Participatory sport in Cuba is a reality that involves thousands of technicians and specialists in the country, so doing physical exercises is a common experience from an early age. This practice begins in primary education through Physical Education and continues at the secondary and pre-university levels.

For this purpose, the Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER), creates the necessary spaces in coordination with the sectors of Education and Health, in order to develop different programs.

During the school stages, competitions are organized in the different sports disciplines from the base to the national level. This is the way most high performance athletes emerge.

Many of the young people take it as a hobby and to acquire skills. For adults it is a way to maintain health. In our country there are thousands of Grandparents' Circles, attended by recreation teachers in order to avoid non transmissible diseases in the elderly.


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